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Police unions have contributed over $56 million to candidates and committees in federal and state elections from 2012 to the present. Candidates actively seek endorsements from police unions to signal their commitment to a tough on crime law and order agenda and their opposition to reforms. They use these campaign contributions to make powerful political allies of everyone from local prosecutors who make decisions about whether to charge cops to state and federal legislators who provide oversight.

In Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, Police Associations are banned from getting involved in political campaigns.

Police unions contributions to
federal and state officeholders

Source: National Institute on Money in Politics’ Follow the Money Database. Contributions to parties, committees, ballot initiatives and losing candidates are not included, nor are SuperPAC’s and other independent expenditures not coordinated with candidates.

Which current elected officials have taken the most from Police Unions during their political career?

Source: National Institute on Money in Politics’ Follow the Money Database.

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